
Are Aphids Harmful to Eat?

Aphids are known pest invaders in gardens. They can sometimes be avoided by covering up plants. Aphids might end up on your plate accidentally whenever you don’t wash vegetables properly.

One of the common fears when seeing aphids on the plate is getting sick. However, you cannot get sick from eating aphids. In fact, you can eat several aphids without any side effects.

Aphids are safe to eat as they cannot bite. They don’t transmit diseases to humans either. You can accidentally eat aphids with salads, broccoli, and cauliflower without getting sick. You need to wash vegetables for a few minutes to avoid them getting on your plate.

Aphids are very harmful to vegetables, fruits, and flowers. They can invade potato crops or broccoli crops and multiply quickly. Aphids can also invade gardens with flowers eating these flowers until they die.

Aphids are only interested in drinking plant sap. They drink the sap through a needle-like mouthpiece which some fear is harmful to humans.

The elongated mouthpieces of aphids aren’t harmful to humans as they cannot bite or pierce human skin easily. Only very rare aphid species are known to bite humans.

Can I eat aphids?

You can eat aphids without feeling sick or without feeling like you’re eating a bug. These are soft bugs that don’t have a hard exoskeleton such as other bugs such as cockroaches.

Are Aphids Harmful to Eat?

You can eat multiple aphids at once without feeling sick and without needing to go to the hospital. Many people eat aphids by accident. Fresh food made with ingredients from the garden or foods made with organic produce is prone to having aphids on it without proper prior washing.

Will I get sick from eating aphids?

Aphids cannot make you sick. You won’t get sick even when eating several aphids at once. These bugs cannot make you sick by skin contact either. They do not bite or try to pierce the skin with their sharp mouthparts as they need plant sap as food.

Aphids eat plant sap and release honeydew on plant leaves. This isn’t harmful to humans either. You can eat a few leaves of kale with honeydew traces without feeling sick.

Do aphids transmit diseases to humans?

Aphids are known for transmitting diseases to plants alone. Some of the diseases these bugs transmit can even kill plants.

Diseases transmitted by aphids do not affect humans. They cannot be transmitted to animals or humans.

What taste do aphids have?

Aphids are small bugs that eat herbs, vegetables, and flowers. They can be accidentally consumed with herbs and vegetables in salads and other foods. Here’s what they taste like.

Waxy: Aphids have a waxy texture and a wax-like taste. This taste comes with a slightly sticky texture which is also characteristic of the honeydew aphids release.

Bitter: Not all aphids have the same taste. Some may even seem sweet, albeit in rare cases. Most aphids taste either waxy or even bitter. This bitter aphid taste is what many predators know these bugs for. They stay away from them for this reason.

Tasteless: Other aphids have no taste. You can ingest them without feeling any particular taste different from the taste of the herb or vegetable you are eating them with.

How did aphids end up in my food?

People tend to eat aphids by accident. As soon as they realize they’ve eaten aphids they start to wonder if getting sick is coming next. This isn’t the case. However, aphids in food can be avoided. You need to know which foods to check for aphids and to wash thoroughly to keep them out.

aphids on leaf

Broccoli: Broccoli is one of the favorite foods of aphids. Since broccoli might be difficult to wash properly on all sides, aphids are likely to make on your plate.

Cauliflower: As with broccoli, cauliflower is also one of the ingredients which tends to bring in aphids to the kitchen and on the plate. Proper washing and soaking for up to 10 minutes are recommended to keep these bugs out.

Salad: Aphids will eat anything whenever they cannot find their favorite foods. They love new herbs and vegetables which are just maturing. In their absence, they invade crops with salad or kale easily. You can eat aphids by accident when you don’t wash your salad or kale properly.

Tomatoes: Fresh tomatoes and tomato blooms attract aphids. You may find these bugs in your salad whenever you don’t take the time to wash large and small tomatoes properly.

Herbs: Aphids love herbs. While they don’t eat all herbs, they are mostly seen in basil and parsley. Aphids can get into salads with basil leaves that haven’t been properly washed.

On the other hand, aphids hate other types of herbs such as coriander and mint. You might need to check all herbs in the garden as aphids might accidentally end up even on the herbs they hate.

How to avoid eating aphids by accident?

Eating aphids isn’t a big health concern. You still want to avoid eating bugs and focus on the fresh produce from the garden. Here’s how to keep these bugs out.

Submerge greens and vegetables

Submerging vegetables you cannot properly clean on all sides by hand is best. You can use a large pot with water to submerge broccoli, kale, or basil leaves so that all aphids are removed. Vegetables can stay submerged for up to a few minutes.

Rinse all vegetables properly

Rinsing all vegetables properly is still recommended even after you submerge them to remove any remaining aphid eggs, aphids, or dirt.


Aphids will not make you sick. The digestive system isn’t upset even when you eat a few aphids at a time. These bugs cannot transmit diseases or viruses to humans either. They spend most of their lives on plants and they only pick up and transmit plant diseases.

The risk of eating aphids can be eliminated by washing vegetables and herbs properly before preparing a meal. These small bugs can sometimes be difficult to spot and submerging vegetables and herbs first ensures you wash them off.

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