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Can Drain Flies Lay Eggs in Humans?

Drain flies, also known as moth flies, are small, dark flies that can often be found in moist environments such as drains, garbage cans, and compost piles. While they don’t pose a serious health threat to humans, they can sometimes be a nuisance.

One question that people often ask is whether or not drain flies can lay eggs in humans.

The answer is no. This species of fly does not seek out human hosts. Females look for a buildup of material in standing water to lay their eggs. They are also not known to bite humans or animals.

Drain flies feed on fungi and bacteria found on decomposing plant material. While the larvae do live in moist environments, they don’t actually live on their food source but rather get their nutrients from the microorganisms surrounding them.

Can Drain Flies Lay Eggs on Humans?

Entomologist May Berenbaum has said that it’s not common for drain flies to lay their eggs on humans because it wouldn’t provide food for the larvae. However, she added that there have been rare cases of this occurring. In one case from 2004, a 4-year-old boy in North Carolina was found to have a drain fly larva living in his ear.

So while it is possible for drain flies to lay eggs on humans, it’s not very common and they usually don’t feed on human tissue. If you’re concerned that you may have a drain fly larva living in your ear, you should consult a doctor.

Can drain flies lay eggs in humans?

If a female drain fly lays her eggs on human skin, it is not likely that they will hatch. The majority of the time larvae are deposited in water or another natural setting. The larvae feed on fungi and bacteria found in decomposing plant material.

Where Do Drain Flies Lay Eggs?

Females look for a buildup of material in standing water to lay their eggs. This can include things like slime, fungus, and bacteria. They are commonly found in basements or around dirty sinks or drainage. They can also be found near compost piles and garbage cans.

The larvae live in moist environments, but they don’t actually live on their food source. Rather, they get their nutrients from the microorganisms surrounding them.

Drain flies do not lay eggs on humans, but they may lay eggs on other animals.

Are Drain Flies a Dangerous To Humans?

There are many different types of flies that live in the family Psychodidae. The larvae of these insects, known as moth fly larvae or drain fly larvae, live in moist environments. While they aren’t parasitic like the botfly which can lay eggs inside the human body, females may deposit their eggs on humans. This is not common and it is unlikely that the eggs will hatch.

Drain flies do not bite humans or animals and only feed on organic matter. They are not harmful to humans but can be quite a nuisance in large numbers.

They also concentrate their attention on decaying substances, unlike phorid and fruit flies, so they won’t try to steal your food.

However, if they do land on your food, they can carry germs and bacteria. (Obviously, something hiding in a toilet or pipes isn’t going to be clean.)

If you have an infestation in your kitchen or food-preparing spaces, you must be cautious.

Individuals who have asthma may be sensitive to the dead and perished elements of adult flies. Inhalation of the fragments and dust might produce bronchial asthma.

Drain fly

Do Drain Flies Spread Diseases?

Drain flies are attracted to filth and unsanitary settings for a reason: they thrive in filthy, germ-ridden places. While taking precautions is never a bad idea, there are no known examples of diseases transferred by drain flies. They can transport germs with them, so it’s important to eliminate these pests from your kitchen and bathroom.

Are Drain Fly Larvae Harmful To Humans?

Drain fly larvae in small quantities may be beneficial, as they decompose organic material in pipes and prevent blockages. When ingested, drain fly larvae might cause myiasis, a parasitic disease in which the larva develops inside the body and feed on it. There’s always a chance that a worm or two will get into your nose or mouth. As a result, drain fly larvae may be dangerous to people.

What Do Drain Fly Larvae Look Like?

Drain fly larvae are worm-like creatures that measure about 4-5 mm in length and have a dark head. Because they consume organic filth deep within the pipes, drain fly larvae frequently go unnoticed. They may sometimes be observed at the dank edges of infested drain holes, particularly those in showers.

Drain fly larvae

How To Protect Yourself From Drain Flies

The best way to protect yourself from drain flies is to keep your environment clean and free of organic matter. Make sure to clean your drains regularly and get rid of any standing water. If you’re having a problem with an infestation, you can use an insecticide or call a professional exterminator.

Drain fly larvae are not parasitic and do not directly harm humans or animals. In some cases, they might transport germs and bacteria, but as long as you practice good hygiene, you won’t have to worry about disease. A simple method of killing the drain flies is drano. If you’re having a problem with an infestation in your home, call a professional exterminator for help.


Drain flies are one of the many kinds of flies that inhabit your home. While they do not lay eggs on humans, drain fly larvae can be found in human homes where there is an infestation. They feed on organic matter and reproduce quickly, so if left untreated it can cause a health hazard by transmitting germs to people and animals. By practicing good hygiene and keeping your environment clean, you can protect yourself from drain flies.

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