Do Roaches Eat Bed Bugs?

Do Roaches Eat Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs and cockroaches are common pests and while they can be irritating, having a double infestation is a bigger problem.  It does make you wonder, though, do roaches eat bed bugs?  The answer is yes, they do. However, bed bugs breed fast, and cockroaches are unable to keep up with their growing population. Which…

Are Cockroaches Dangerous?

Are Cockroaches Dangerous?

Cockroaches are unhygienic. They sometimes carry bacteria, viruses, and diseases. They infest food and they can trigger a long list of health problems from respiratory issues to digestive problems. Cockroaches are on the warning list of the World Health Organization. They are described as scavengers in human settlements. While they exist all around the world,…

Do Spiders Eat Cockroaches?

Do Spiders Eat Cockroaches?

Spiders are mostly known for eating insects. They also eat nectar, seeds, and even certain types of worms. A few species of spiders (especially those that live indoors) are also known for eating cockroaches. It can be hard to believe spiders smaller than cockroaches can actually eat roaches. However, spiders are sometimes known for digesting…

How Do Roaches Reproduce?

How Do Roaches Reproduce?

Cockroaches reproduce both sexually and asexually (in the case of females). Most cockroach species (over 4.000 around the world) prefer to reproduce sexually. Female cockroaches can also reproduce asexually when they get separated from a colony or males. Cockroaches are some of the most common pests around the house. They reproduce at fast rates and…