
How to Get Rid of Big Black Cockroaches

Cockroaches are one of the most persistent types of pests seen around the house. They appear in the spring and multiply during the summer months.

Big black cockroaches aren’t very different from other types of roaches. They’re attracted to food and their entry to the house is facilitated by cracks in walls or openings around piping.

You can get rid of big black cockroaches such as Oriental cockroaches by eliminating decaying food and organic matter in the house. Using traps helps with quick elimination while natural repellents such as essential oils help keep them out for good.

It’s always a sign of trouble when you see one cockroach in the house. Seeing multiple cockroaches is a clear sign of an invasion.

Which cockroaches are black?

Most cockroaches are brown or dark red. But some of them may be black or dark brown and shiny which may appear black.

Oriental cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches are often known as Black beetle cockroaches. They’re identified by an oval-shaped body of dark brown to black coloring. These cockroaches have 6 legs and they are known to have a flattened shiny look.

oriental cockroach

Signs of a big black cockroach invasion

These cockroaches don’t offer too many warning signs before an invasion. You can expect your home to attract these roaches in the spring whenever you don’t take any preventive measures.

Seeing a cockroach

Seeing one cockroach is a sign of a possible invasion. These bugs don’t live solitary lives as they nest together. You should inspect your house for a possible invasion when you see one indoors.

Seeing multiple cockroaches

Whenever you see multiple black cockroaches indoors you know you have little time to act. This is a clear sign of an invasion.

The number of cockroaches can get even higher as Oriental black cockroaches lay eggs every day. New cockroaches can emerge daily.

How to get rid of big black cockroaches

You first need to eliminate all of the foods that attract cockroaches into your home as a first step. Secondly, you need to seal off all entry points to keep these roaches out in case of future invasions.

Eliminate all foods

Black cockroaches love food. They like it so much that they nest indoors and might never leave as long as they have something to feed on.

These cockroaches are mostly seen in the kitchen as this is where they have plenty of food to feed and multiply at rapid rates.

Decaying food

Eliminating decaying food is one of the first measures to consider when it comes to keeping black cockroaches out.

These roaches like starchy foods such as potatoes and bread. They also eat decaying fruit and decaying meat.

Cleaning your kitchen and throwing out all decaying food is a must. Furthermore, all food that isn’t stored in containers might keep on attracting black cockroaches to your home.


Garbage around the house and in the house is a breeding ground for big black cockroaches. Keeping garbage cans sealed and all garbage out of the house is crucial.

Whenever possible, you should also wash your garbage cans and store them further from the house not to facilitate a quick roach invasion.

Clean and seal sewers

Black cockroaches love sewers. There’s plenty of decaying organic matter in sewers to attract these roaches.

This is why it’s a good idea to clean all sewers and the spaces around sewers frequently. A clean habitat that even smells clean repels almost all cockroaches.

Seal entry points under porches

Cockroaches can nest under the porch. The dark humid habitat below the porch is an ideal nesting ground for these roaches.

Decaying plants and leaves are also often found here. This is why you should seal off all entry points below the porch for roaches, spiders, and other bugs.

They easily transition from the porch indoors as their numbers grow in the spring. Keeping them out might mean you need to clean the area around the house as well.

Use pesticide

Pesticides should be strictly used as instructed. They can be dangerous but they’re also efficient at killing big black cockroaches.

One of the main reasons to consider pesticides is seeing multiple black cockroaches indoors. This is a clear sign of an invasion and you might even need to call a professional to apply the pesticides for you.

Use duct tape traps

Duct tape traps are the most non-impactful method of eliminating big black cockroaches inside your home.

When installed correctly, duct tape cannot be avoided by these cockroaches as they cannot fly. You can use baits to lure them into a certain area of the home so that they have to step and get trapped on duct tape.

Installing duct tape in the right place is crucial. You need to place it around the kitchen, below the sink, under cabinets, and even in the bathroom.

You should be able to collect all trapped roaches within a couple of days. Duct tape might also need to be replaced in the case of a serious invasion.

You know you need to replace duct tape whenever there’s no more space for other roaches to walk and get trapped on. However, a single roll of duct tape should be enough for a minor black cockroach home invasion.

Use a bug spray

You can use bug spray to kill big black cockroaches on the spot. Some of these sprays use potent chemicals that act similarly to pesticides.

They kill roaches on the spot and they can be effective when you only have a few roaches indoors. Bug spray is applied from a distance of at least 10-15 inches.

You need to use the spray directly on the cockroach if you want to kill it on the spot. Bug spray is considerably less effective when you spray the area of the house without spraying the bugs themselves directly.

Spray lemon juice

Lemon juice is a practical natural solution to repel big black cockroaches. You can mix the juice of a lemon with water and spray it all over key areas of the kitchen such as the floor.

The potent citrus aroma of lemon juice keeps these roaches away. Lemon also makes your home smell fresh and clean.

Lemon juice needs to be applied again in 2-3 weeks. This solution is going to work best to keep all bugs away for good. Make sure to spray possible entry points such as spaces around windows and drains.

Mix vinegar with peppermint oil

Vinegar is another natural pest repellent. Its high acidity makes black cockroaches run away in the other direction since they only like rotting smells.

Big black cockroaches can be further deterred by some types of essential oils. Peppermint oil has a potent pungent smell which is often mixed with vinegar for a purely homemade roach repellent.

Vinegar and peppermint oil can replace lemon juice as a natural barrier against roaches. You don’t need to use both of these solutions to keep bugs away.

Oriental Cockroach

Reduce humidity

Big black roaches such as Oriental cockroaches like high humidity. They like it so much they specifically congregate in areas with high humidity such as the kitchen or the bathroom.

Reducing indoor humidity is one of the first steps toward a roach-free home. You can use a potent indoor dehumidifier in key areas around the house.

The kitchen typically has high humidity from cooking. Bathrooms also have higher humidity compared to other rooms. You can also place the dehumidifier in the basement, another key humid and dark area these roaches multiply.

A dehumidifier can be switched from one to another location in the house every 2-3 days for high efficiency. You also need to ensure all of its filters are clean to reduce dust particles and possible mold particles it might trap as these also favor roaches inside the house.

Keep the house clean

A clean home is a home that doesn’t attract roaches. You can eliminate almost all chances of roaches coming into the house by doing the following.

  • Reduce air humidity
  • Vacuum the house frequently
  • Seal all entry points such as cracks in walls
  • Add mesh screens to windows and drains
  • Store all foods in containers
  • Remove all organic material inside the house
  • Use natural repellents such as vinegar or lemon juice

While roaches enter clean homes they might not stay in these homes a long time without the right conditions.

These steps also help keep all other bugs and insects out, which is also important. Big black cockroaches such as Oriental cockroaches eat dead insects they find inside the house.

Oriental cockroaches even eat dead roaches of their species. Pests such as roaches can be seen constantly around the house as long as there are insect and bug carcasses around.

By far, decaying food and organic matter such as dead insects are the biggest problems inside the house, together with high humidity. Big black cockroaches can survive up to a month without food so seeing results can take at least a few weeks.

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