
What Do Mealy Bugs Eat: Key Insights on Their Diet

Mealybugs are small, unassuming pests that, at first glance, might not seem like a significant threat to plants. However, these tiny insects can cause considerable damage when left unchecked. As gardeners and plant enthusiasts discover the presence of these pests among their beloved flora, understanding what mealybugs eat and their feeding habits becomes crucial in managing and preventing infestations.

Mealybugs belong to the family Pseudococcidae and feed on various plant species. They preferentially consume plant sap, which is rich in essential nutrients and easy to digest. The sap provides them with the energy they need to reproduce and cause further harm to the plants. As they feed, mealybugs excrete a sticky waste substance called honeydew, which can attract other pests and lead to fungal growth, further exacerbating the problem.

Early identification of mealybug infestations is key to preventing extensive damage to plants. Mealybugs are typically found on the leaves, stems, and roots of the plants they infest, appearing as white, cotton-like masses. By understanding their feeding preferences and habits, individuals can take proactive measures to safeguard their plants from these relentless pests.

What Are Mealy Bugs

Physical Characteristics

Mealy bugs are small, soft-bodied insects that belong to the family Pseudococcidae. They measure about 1/20 to 1/5 inch in length and have a distinct, powdery appearance due to a waxy secretion covering their bodies. They come in various shades of white, gray, or pink, and their body shape is oval or elongated.

Their legs are short, and they possess functional antennae. Female mealybugs have noticeable filaments projecting from around their bodies, while males have wings and no functional mouthparts.


The lifecycle of mealybugs consists of four stages: egg, nymph, pre-adult, and adult. Below is a brief overview of each stage:

  • Egg: Female mealybugs lay up to 600 eggs within a protective, cottony mass called an ovisac. The incubation period varies between species but typically takes 5 to 10 days.
  • Nymph: Once hatched, the first stage nymphs, known as crawlers, emerge and immediately begin to seek a suitable location on the host plant to feed. The crawlers go through two more molts, becoming second and third stage nymphs. The entire nymphal development takes approximately 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the species and environmental conditions.
  • Pre-adult: The male mealybugs enter the pre-adult stage, also referred to as the pupal stage. They spin a cocoon-like structure called a puparium and remain in that form for a week to several weeks.
  • Adult: Once matured, the adults emerge from the puparium. Females are typically wingless, and their primary function is to reproduce. Males are short-lived with a sole purpose of mating, as they do not have functional mouthparts to feed.

Each species of mealybug has a slightly different lifecycle, and the length of each stage can vary depending on factors such as temperature, humidity, and food sources.

What do mealy bugs eat

Diet of Mealy Bugs

Plant Species Preference

Mealybugs can feed on a wide variety of plants, including:

  • Ornamental plants, such as roses and orchids
  • Fruit trees, such as apple and citrus
  • Vegetables, such as tomatoes and peppers

Some mealybug species, like the citrus mealybug, have a preference for specific plant species, in this case, citrus plants. While others, like the long-tailed mealybug, have a more generalist diet, feeding on a range of plants.

Plant Parts Targeted

Mealybugs extract the sugar-rich plant sap from different parts of the plants, like:

  • Leaves: Mealybugs are often found on the underside of leaves where they feed on soft plant tissues.
  • Stems: They can also be found near the stem joints, targeting the new growth.
  • Roots: Some mealybug species, like the ground mealybug, prefer to feed on the roots of plants.

Mealybugs use their piercing-sucking mouthparts to extract the sap, and as a result, they excrete a sugary substance called honeydew, which can lead to the growth of sooty mold on the plant surfaces.

mealybug on orchid leaf

Effects of Mealy Bugs on Plants

Mealy bugs are small insects which feed on plants, causing damage and stress. They pierce plant tissue to suck the sap, depriving plants of essential nutrients and water. Additionally, their feeding activity can lead to other issues, such as mold growth and viral diseases.

Signs of Infestation

  • Leaves: Curling, yellowing, or dropping off, indicating stress from nutrient and water loss.
  • Stems: Weak, withering, and covered in a cotton-like substance or waxy residue, which are signs of the mealy bugs’ presence.
  • Stunted growth: As plants are robbed of essential nutrients, their growth is stunted and may appear to cease altogether.
  • Presence of ants: Ants are attracted to the honeydew that mealy bugs excrete while feeding, so their presence may signal an infestation.

Economic Impact

Mealy bugs can attack many economically important plants, such as:

  • Ornamental plants and flowers, like orchids and poinsettias.
  • Fruit plants, such as grapes, apples, and citrus.
  • Vegetable plants, including tomatoes, peppers, and sweet potatoes.

As a result, the agricultural industry can be negatively impacted, with financial consequences for farmers, especially if infestations are severe and widespread. Some possible economic impacts include:

  • Crop loss: Loss in yield or quality, leading to a reduction in market value or complete unmarketability of the produce.
  • Cost of control measures: Expenses incurred in an effort to manage mealy bug infestations, such as the use of pesticides, biological control agents, or manual labor.
  • Export restrictions: Strict regulations on international trade may mean infested produce cannot be shipped, limiting markets and affecting the wider economy.

Furthermore, the use of chemical pesticides to control mealy bugs can harm the environment and non-target species, including beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs. In turn, this can exacerbate overall ecological imbalances and contribute to financial losses.

Control and Prevention

Chemical Methods

Using chemical methods can be an effective way to control and prevent mealybug infestations. Insecticides such as neem oil, horticultural oil, and insecticidal soap can be utilized to target the mealybugs directly. Apply these treatments according to the product label instructions, and ensure proper coverage of the affected plants:

  • Neem oil: A natural insecticide derived from the neem tree
  • Horticultural oil: A refined petroleum product used to control insects
  • Insecticidal soap: A potassium-based soap that targets soft-bodied insects

Biological Methods

Biological control methods involve the introduction of natural predators to control mealybug populations. These predators are often host-specific, meaning they only consume mealybugs and do not harm beneficial insects or the plants themselves. Some common biological control agents include:

  • Cryptolaemus montrouzieri: A ladybird beetle, also known as the “mealybug destroyer”
  • Leptomastix dactylopii: A parasitic wasp that lays its eggs inside mealybugs
  • Predatory mites: Several species of mites are known to consume mealybugs

Introducing these predators in the early stages of mealybug infestation can help provide long-term control and prevention.

Cultural Methods

Cultural methods focus on practices that create an unfavorable environment for mealybugs or diminish their overall impact on the plants. These practices include:

  • Regular inspection: Monitor plants regularly for signs of mealybugs, taking action as soon as infestation is detected
  • Proper plant spacing: Ensure adequate airflow around plants to discourage mealybugs from settling
  • Pruning: Remove heavily infested plant parts or debris to reduce mealybug populations
  • Sanitation: Maintain a clean growing environment by removing dead leaves, debris, and weeds, which may harbor mealybugs

By employing a combination of these control and prevention methods, it is possible to effectively manage mealybug infestations and protect plant health.

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