Mothballs for Cockroaches: A Good Roach Elimination Option?
There are many different methods of getting rid of and preventing infestations of cockroaches, some more effective than others and some more expensive to implement. Mothballs for cockroach control is a common query by homeowners looking for a cost-effective repellent for these unpleasant critters.
The answer is yes, mothballs do keep roaches away. Cockroaches are repulsed by these tiny balls to a certain extent although they are not the most effective option. However, you must know how to utilize them correctly.
What Are Mothballs?
Mothballs are small, round balls containing naphthalene. Mothballs can also contain paradichlorobenzene and other chemicals in some cases.
When mothballs containing naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene are used to control clothes moths and pantry pests such as meal moths, they kill the pests by releasing vapors that irritate the respiratory system causing suffocation after just one or two breaths.
Cockroaches, on the other hand, are less affected by these types of chemical vapors than most insects. The cockroach’s respiratory system is not as sensitive to naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene so they can still breathe even if they walk over a spot where these chemicals have been applied.
Mothballs are not the most effective cockroach repellents when used alone.
The vapors released by mothballs containing naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene can irritate cockroaches, but cockroaches are very resistant to these chemicals thus they usually do not die in large numbers when exposed to cockroach control products containing naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene.
Mothballs are an important part of cockroach elimination, however, they should not be used alone to get rid of cockroaches invading your home. Instead, use mothballs along with other cockroach prevention methods such as caulking holes in walls and sealing cockroach entryways.

Will Mothballs Kill Cockroaches?
Mothballs will not kill cockroaches unless they are used in great quantities.
Mothballs can keep cockroaches away for a short period of time and should be used along with other cockroach control products to get rid of cockroaches entering your home.
Naphthalene vapors are lethal for cockroaches only when cockroaches walk over a large amount of naphthalene concentrate.
Smaller cockroach infestations will require more applications, which means more vapors and vapor build-up near human living areas. Applying the correct amount of cockroach control products is important to avoid compromising human health.
Do Mothballs Keep Roaches Away?
Cockroaches have a very strong sense of smell and will usually avoid mothballs or any other cockroach control products with a strong odor. They will avoid areas where lots of naphthalene cockroach repellent is used and it will keep them away from hiding places. If not used correctly and cockroaches are not eliminated, the cockroaches will return because their food and water sources will still be available.
To use a cockroach repellant effectively, applying the proper amount in areas where cockroaches are active is important.
You can place mothballs around your home in a strategic way to show the cockroaches the way out of your home. There are a number of places where you can place mothballs.
For instance, you could place them under the stove, in cabinets, or under the sink in your kitchen, as well as in furniture and between cushions in your living room.
Mothballs are only effective when cockroaches are also eliminated from their nests or hiding places inside walls, floors, or cabinets.
Mothballs are useful if cockroaches are seen in your home, but do not use them as the only cockroach control product because it will be ineffective.
Along with the mothballs, cockroach traps should be used to kill cockroaches and cockroach control products should also be applied inside the walls as well as under sinks, stoves, and around cockroach entryways.

How To Use Mothballs For Cockroaches
An effective method is to put a small bag containing the mothballs or a few mothball pieces into a nylon stocking and tie it off.
You should place the bag containing the mothballs wherever cockroaches are seen.
Also consider placing the bag inside the cockroach entryway such as under the stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, and washing machine.
Another way of using mothballs for cockroaches is by mixing them with sugar or other types of bait and cockroach control products.
Using mothball cockroach control products can be effective if done correctly, but there are some drawbacks that must be taken into consideration as well and they only affect cockroaches for a short period of time.
Safety Considerations
The odor produced by mothballs is unpleasant to humans and can be toxic for babies and toddlers.
If a baby had a mothball accident in their crib, they would have serious consequences from exposure to naphthalene vapors.
Naphthalene vapors are irritants that affect the eyes, throat, and respiratory system. They can also cause nausea and headaches when inhaled in large amounts.
Naphthalene is a carcinogen that can be very harmful when swallowed or used over an extended period of time. It is important to only use the correct amount of cockroach control products containing naphthalene.
Mothballs can happen to be lethal for these insects, though you have to understand that it’s not great for humans either. You need to make sure that you keep them in areas where food is stored or prepared.
For mothballs, cockroaches will avoid areas where lots of vapors are given off so you need to use just enough to keep them away but not so much that other people in your household, young children, for example, are affected by the odor.
It is very important to keep children and pets away from cockroach control products containing naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene, especially mothballs. If a child or pet has an accident with cockroach repellant, it can be fatal.
Using cockroach control products containing mothballs as a standalone cockroach control product will require more applications, which means an increased risk of health issues for humans.
Cockroaches will not die from naphthalene vapors because cockroaches have a very efficient respiratory system.
They will return to their hiding places once cockroach control products with mothballs are applied and they will continue to live and breed there.
Cockroaches will stay away from cockroach control products with mothballs as long as they are present but as soon as the cockroach control product is discontinued, cockroaches will return because their eggs don’t die even if an adult does.

Precautions To Take While Using Mothballs for Roaches.
Mothballs are not effective cockroach control products by themselves.
If you start seeing cockroaches or want to get rid of cockroaches, then naphthalene cockroach control products should be combined with cockroach traps and cockroach control products.
It should be noted that mothballs are a pesticide and must therefore be handled with great caution.
It’s critical to thoroughly read all packaging instructions. The few minutes it takes to get familiar with the product’s uses and precautions can help prevent a plethora of health concerns, as well as visits to the emergency department.
Despite the fact that most mothballs no longer include naphthalene, their gases are still quite hazardous.
Using mothballs in open containers is expressly forbidden. It’s critical to use mothballs only in tightly sealed containers. It’s not advised to use them in places like attics, closets, suitcases, or under beds. Remember that once you can smell the mothballs, you’re breathing in the dangerous chemicals being released.
Mothballs should never be allowed to come into contact with children or pets, as they can become poisonous if ingested. The ingestion of a mothball can result in significant harm or even death, despite the fact that they appear to be candy or a pet treat.
Consider the following precautions when using mothballs:
- Keep out of the reach of children and pets.
- Instead of naphthalene, use camphor or para-dichlorobenzene pellets since they are less hazardous.
- Wearing one-time-use gloves, if at all possible, is preferable.
- Also, place them with masks on so you don’t breathe in the fumes.
- Use it in air-tight locations only; don’t expose it to the open air.
- Even if they are packaged, keep it away from meals and other eatables.
- Flammable chemicals are used in mothballs, so keep them away from combustible surroundings.
Keep all of these safety measures in mind; improper mothball usage may result in serious consequences.