Fungal Diseases

Peach Leaf Curl


Ivan asked the following question:
Every year my peach trees are suffering from leaf curl, and it seems to be getting worse every year. Does this recipe help with peach leaf curl and are there specific times of the year I should spray my trees in order to prevent the onset of leaf curl? Thanks in advance for your help.

First, what peach leaf curl looks like:

Peach leaf curl
Image Credit:

When a peach tree suffers from peach leaf curl, its young leaves pucker, turn reddish green and/or white, then turn brown and fall prematurely.

Also, fruit drops before ripening or have rough skin.

What causes peach leaf curl?

Peach leaf curl is caused by a fungus. When this fungal disease attacks a tree, it may cause the entire tree to lose its leaves.

Unfortunately, before the infected leaves fall from the tree, the fungal spores are discharged and land on the bark of the tree. There they remain dormant during the winter, and in the spring, unless the tree has been sprayed, these spores infect the new leaf buds and the same scenario repeats itself.

What plants can be affected by this fungus?

Not only peaches but also nectarines and almonds can be affected.

How can you get rid of this peach leaf curl syndrome?

Since the danger period is before the buds open, it is absolutely necessary to spray before the buds open.

My homemade fruit tree spray which is found on this website under insect control would definitely do the job of killing the fungus before it can get to the buds and cause peach leaf curl since in this recipe are three fungus-fighting ingredients: apple cider vinegar, garlic tea, and baking soda. Another fungus-fighting ingredient is the compost tea if you have any of that to add to the recipe.

Secondly, the tree will need help in the form of foliar feeding during the growing season. In this recipe, you have liquid seaweed which is an excellent product for feeding the tree via the leaves. A second helpful ingredient is the molasses.

Therefore, I would suggest that you use this recipe which is not only environmentally friendly but also will get rid of fungus and insects.

Start your spraying program before the buds open and spray at least once a month or more often if you see problems developing until fall.


If this is the first year you have had this problem, do the spraying as soon as possible. It would be wise to pick off the affected leaves and dispose of them in the garbage. Do not put them in the compost bin.

I remember having that problem ONE year. First, there was one leaf curling, then two, then more, so the first thing I did was pick up and dispose of the leaves that had fallen from the tree.

Then I climbed on a step ladder and picked off the affected leaves which were still on the tree and put those in the garbage too. I immediately sprayed the remaining leaves and trunk of the tree with my homemade fruit tree spray.

Then I re-sprayed with my special homemade fruit tree spray every second week for a while. The tree looked a bit funny with half of its leaves gone, but I saved the fruit.

Even if the majority of the leaves were infected, I would still spray leaves and trunk with my homemade spray and keep up with the spraying program. It can only help. Then I would be sure to pick up and destroy those leaves that fall on the ground.

Here is a video showing s a visual of the peach leaf curl:

Although any of those sprays explained in the above articles will get rid of the peach leaf curl, only the homemade fruit tree spray will feed your tree in addition to getting rid of the fungus.

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